About us

It all began...

It was in the year 2009 that Pistoiese Lubrificanti accepted the distribution of the IRMCO brand for Italy.

We were aware of the difficulties that the introduction of a polymer-based "NON OIL" lubricant for mechanical machining would entail.

Thinking of proposing a lubricant that contains neither mineral nor synthetic oil was partly motivating but partly left us easily anticipating the distrust of our customers.

The "oil-free lubricants" phenomenon

Despite the mistrust and the change of mindset that has been necessary in production departments to use unconventional lubricants, customers each year are more numerous, and we can say that often in addition to being satisfied, they are also proud of having eliminated a petroleum product in favor of a clean lubricant.

The ease with which the manufactured components can be washed with only water and the compatibility with welds are the features that are most easily appreciated even from a first use and have allowed us to multiply our clientele.

Today the IRMCO brand is known in all regions and provinces of Italy especially in pipe and sheet metal processing. For the past several years, Pistoiese lubrificanti has been contracted by the parent company to promote IRMCO in Greece, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia

Not only IRMCO

Pistoiese Lubrificanti distributes many other brands of lubricants among the best known and the most technical such as: ENI, IP, CASTROL but also KLUBER, MOLYKOTE, LUBCON and many others.

In the "metalworking" sector, Pistoiese Lubrificanti is introducing its own brand: CLARIL, from the acronym "Claudio Riccardo Lubrificanti."

The new brand was created for the development of innovative lubricants starting right from the workings in the world of "metalworking."

Our distribution and service

The company has developed and improved over time an inventory reordering system that is able to forecast inventory supplies with surprising punctuality, and this allows us to be on time with deliveries to customers.

The idea of digitizing our work system has been in place at Pistoiese Lubricants for many years.

We provide each customer with his or her own personal restricted area with private password access where he or she can check the stock in our warehouse of the lubricants he or she routinely picks up as well as documentation for up-to-date security of each lubricant he or she uses.

This system also provides access to an archive of bills, invoices and other documents related to the relationship between our company and the customer.

Pistoiese Lubricants also boasts: the largest online lubricant store, see for yourself, it's called BOOB you can visit it at www.booob.it it's a store for all do-it-yourself enthusiasts and also for all those involved in industrial maintenance.